Hello 2022!

What are your goals for the new year? Mine are BIG, so I think, who would I need to be to have them feel like a piece of cake? Trust would be inherent. I’d feel GREAT— energized, strong, joyful! Full of unconditional love, for myself and the world. All that confidence & sparkle could make just about anything happen, am I right?! My dad always said, “Life is Atitude. And Attitude.. is ATTITUDE.” If our cumulative choices, habits, and attitude give us the life we have right now, what would you need to do differently in your day to get the results you want? I like to think of these habits as rituals, it feels more important & adds a bit of magic. So:

My Top 5 Daily Rituals for True (Self)Love in 2022

1. Drink 2.5-3 Liters of water each day. I had some health challenges last year, and this advice hit home. I start the day with 2 glasses of water, first thing. Either room temperature or heated, lately squeezing a Meyer lemon in there 🍋 I also drink from a liter bottle to easier keep track throughout the day.

2. Meditate for 20 minutes! First thing. Most of the time I just sit in silence, but you might like to get started with this track Healing Self-Love Affirmations by Charlotte Koomen which is the perfect timing too. In addition I notice other things that get me in ‘the zone’ and bring mindfulness, like our sketchbook classes! Or for a little thing, drawing (instead of writing) my grocery list 🍌🍇

3. Listening to music. I was getting into way too much screen time (Netflix etc. is so addicting!) and particularly in the morning I’ve found a lot of joy in putting on my favorite tunes, a soundtrack to making breakfast, tackling work and to-do’s. I’m shy about sharing it but here's my Love in 2022 playlist-- it includes Italian favorites from our recent October retreats in Tropea.

4. Setting limits/Boundaries. Where does your energy get zapped and is there a way your can change the terms to work better for you? Perhaps you set a timer, or let someone know you’re only available for a certain period of time, or simply learning how to say f*ck no. A friend recently recommended this book by that very name-- I have yet to read but plan to ;)

5. Let’s get physical! Generally upping my game, whether it’s longer walks with more inclines, adding 5 minutes or more of dance, yoga, HIIT, or even 10 push-ups to my day.. I really miss ballet classes so when I think of it I’ll do pliés at the kitchen counter or pirouettes across the living room floor. Also I’ve been standing more when working on my computer rather than sitting (& on my toes when I think of it!). You?